Shutter Speed a.k.a in Indonesian. Shutter is a sort of layer that covers the sensor. At the time we had snap, this will open during the Shutter In recent times so that the sensor can record the light coming through the lens. Shutter opening duration is what is known as the Shutter Speed. Logically, the longer the shutter is opened, the more incoming light. And conversely the faster the shutter is opened so the less light is recorded.
Second unit. The unit is easier to understand than the unit Aperture. To reduce the amount of light entering into a half before (-1 stop), Shutter Speed time to stay on for second. And conversely, to add light to the previous 2x (one stop) living in multiply 2. In Nikon D50, Shutter Speed values that can be used on the camera are 60, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1s, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth, 1 / 32, 1 / 64, 1 / 125, 1 / 250, 1 / 500, 1 / 1000, 1 / 2000, 1 / 4000. 1 / 4000. Shutter Speed Range value on the camera type / other brands more or less the same. In some pro cameras, the speed can be up to 1/8000s. Fast enough to photograph a bullet shot!
Slow Shutter Speed
Technical using a low shutter speed (great value). Usually used in less light conditions, shutter open longer for the camera lebiiih can collect enough light to produce images who we want. If we are photographing a scene with multiple moving objects, will produce a new and cool effects.
For example photographing traffic at night effect "light path" / lightrail. Lights from the milling cars recorded in the sensor.
Photo by ^ sean, on Flickr
Slow speeds can also lead to a dynamic impression on our photos. As in the photo below water. This photo is tricky because the religion is taken in the afternoon which is still plenty of light. The trick is that we reduce the light reaching the sensor by putting one or several (Stack) ND filter (Neutral Density). This filter will reduce the time from initially reared in such kinds of light (depending on the level of ND filter) so many light conditions will look like tonight.
Photo by jurvetson, on Flickr
Or a more extreem using Bulb mode where the shutter will remain open as long as we press the shutter button. Usually cuman in DSLR cameras (buy buy hehehe). In the dark night though, we can still capture the moments that exist, such as the track record of stars in the sky. Photo below was taken with a shutter speed = 16 minutes.
Photo by stignygaard, on Flickr
Slow Shutter Speed and Tripod
Tripod is an absolute necessary if we want experimented with slow-speed photographs. The reason for the camera to be supported by other objects during the shutter open. If not, then the resulting image will be blurry because of camera shake to and fro shear. Ga normal human would be strong to stand still holding the camera during In recent sec without rocking. Unless human ente-robots that can hibernate myself: p. Well, it does not need a tripod .. Other objects such as sandbags can too. The important thing is solid enough to hold the camera during the shutter open. Okeh?
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