Lights and Lighting
By Diki Umbara
Shooting is painting with light. Means of light elements is very important in making the film and television. The light does not always deal with a lamp. There are other light sources other than light sources. In simple terms there are two kinds of sources pecahayaan, ie natural lighting (natural) and artificial lighting (artificial).
Light is a wave that is received by the senses elektromagnestis sight (eyes) which was then forwarded to the brain that would respond, responding to light stimulation stretcher. Sederhanya, without light, the object will not be visible. For this reason, film and video production requires visible light to the subject.
Lighting television and film have the following functions:
• illuminates the object / subject
• Creating artistic images,
• Eliminate unnecessary shadow
• Creating special effects.
Illuminates the object that means giving pencahyaan to object or subject can be seen clearly fit the concept of the film itself. Not every image is needed and not all the shadows are not necessary. With lighting tetentu shadow can be eliminated, reduced, or even added. Whether or not to shade or shadow, again depends on the concept of the film itself.
Three Points Lighting
It has become the basis of a formula or formulas lighting in video production, film and photographs. Three important points were made up: Key Light, Fill Light, Back Light.
Key Light is the main lighting directed at the object. Keylight is the most dominant source of lighting. Keylight usually brighter than the fill light. In the design of three points pencahyaan, keylight placed at an angle of 45 degrees above the subject.
Fill Light is pencahyaan filler, usually used for objects menghilagkan shadow caused by the key light. Fill light is placed opposite to the subjects that have a distance equal to the keylight. Pencahyaan fill light intensity is usually half of the key light.
Back Light, lighting from behind the object, is used to gave the dimensions so that the subject is not "united" with the background. Pencahyaan was placed 45 degrees behind the subject. Pencahyaan backlight intensity depends on the lighting the key light and fill light, and of course depending on the subject. Eg backlight for people with blond hair will be slightly different with the lighting for people with black hair color.
In addition to three point lighting there were still other pencahyaan types, namely Background Light is meant to set / stage can still look good.
Light Direction
Direction of light from the lighting will depend on the height and angle of the light sources. From the top, bottom, or flat with an object? By doing so we will know the image produced in which the light falls. Laying of the light source on the subject will produce a different effect when compared with the laying of the light source from underneath the subject. Pencahyaan direction is usually referred to as the up-down angle and angle. With a down angle will produce shadows that fall Kea red body (if the subject person). For example, the concept down angle can be done on interrogation scene, it will seem dramatic. While lighting up the angle will generate less prevalent, but with the placement of lighting will look like this subject powefull and stout.
Quality of Light Quality lighting associated with hard or soft pencahyaan itself. Broadly speaking there are two quality of lighting, ie the hard light and soft light. Hard light has a characteristic strong pencahyaan where shadow or shadow more clearly visible. Softlight have opposite characters, between the shadow pencahyaan only have minor differences.
Lighting Ratio
Lighting Ratio is the ratio between brightness and lightnest. For example ratio of 2:1, where the lighting bright area twice the level of dark areas. Video technology allows up to 4:1 ratio, the area of light has an intensity four times brighter than the dark areas. If more than that, the element of shadow or shadow detail will be lost.
Light Control
This is a method to increase or decrease the illumination from light sources. The addition or subtraction to produce a particular effect. For example the effects of sunlight shine into the bedroom window, used translucent attached near the source of light.
Intensity Measure
The intensity of light generated from the key light, fill light, and the backlight can be measured by an instrument that is Lightmeter. There are two types of this tool is Incident and Reflectant. Incident intended to measure the intensity of light which "fell" on the subject. While Reflectant used to measure the intensity of light reflected by the subject.
Types of Lighting There are so many types of lamps used in the process of making gamar or shooting. Type of lamp comprising:
* Blonde :1000-2000 watts, usually used as flood lighting for large areas
* Readhead: 650 - 1000 watts, are used as the key to flood large areas
* Pepper Light: 100 - 1000 watt, low-intensity lights are used exclusively for key or fill light
* HMI: This is the kind of high quality light
* Hallogen: 100-500 watts, used sebahgai key to flood a large area, type of lamp is usually used for production with low budgeting.
* Fresnell: type of lamp that has a special lens that emits light.
Color Temperature
Color Temperature is the impression created by the light of an object when the light was about the object. The size of the color temperature measured in degrees Kelvin (K). The larger degrees Kelvin, the color of the white object, the object will be visible kebalikkanya getting yellowed.
Utilizing the Available Light
By Diki Umbara
There are two types of lighting that can be used in making the movie, both fiction and non fiction (like a documentary). Type of artificial lighting is the light (he explained in my previous post) and available light. Available light is the lighting by utilizing the existing light sources. Available light of which the sun, the lights in the house, moonlight, and the lights on the road. Thus, the available light associated light sources are available and how to keep the light source can be used to illuminate the object. If there is only one source of lighting, it was confirmed as the main lighting or keylight. There are three important points is three points lighting lighting, the lighting I have explained in Part 1. In the utilization of available light can be used as the key light and fill light.
In Room
Lighting in the room / indoor lighting such as an existing (neon lamp or incandescent lamp). This lighting can be used for the purposes of shooting, though it can be a lot of weaknesses, including the intensity of light produced is too low for the sake of shooting. With this digital video technology can still be tricked by increasing the slice, however there must be a tolerance limit. When we raise the f-stop on the camera, possibly resulting picture will look grainy / freckles. Try, the objects have sufficient lighting, although not always a good solution, try to move the object / subject you will shoot enough light on areas where the lights went down.
If you will be shooting in the living room, you can take advantage of sunlight from the outdoors. But again, you must set the position of the subject in order to obtain the desired light intensity.
When we will be shooting outdoor / exterior in the daytime to be considered is the direction of the sun. Not really recommended for shooting from 11 am to 1 pm, because the sun was scorching-hot, and may be just above the object, which means it will create shadows. To reduce the intensity of light that is too strong, you can use Neutral Density filters / ND that existed at the camera. By using this filter, excessive light will direduce / reduced so that to be normal. My suggestion is, when it comes to shooting in daylight and using only available light, between the hours of 2 to 4 pm. To set the direction of lighting use a reflector.
Using Reflector
Reflector is a tool to reflect or reflect light on the subject. Reflectors for shooting purposes (also photography) has many designed by the factory, but several friends with creative make their own reflectors.
Moving Object
If the use of lighting with normal lighting / artificial light where the light source can be shifted to adjust the light that must be obtained by the object / subject / area of our shooting. Bede as if we take advantage of available light. My advice, use a manual iris, because then we can adjust the incoming light source by controlling irisnya.
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